MongoDB - noSQL Database
This course covers the basics of working with MongoDB. Work your way through the videos/articles and I'll teach you everything you need to know to interact with Mongo's flexible document database management system and create powerful document databases!


Lesson 5
Author : 🦒
Last Updated : December, 2017


Copy// Data Types
     string: "String of text",
     int: 405,
     double: 3.565,
     boolean: true, // false
     array: [1, 2, 3],
     object: {attr1: "attr1", attr2: "attr2"},
     date: new Date("<YYYY-mm-dd>"),
     object_id: <ObjectId>,
     no_value: null

Additional Data Types
Binary data
Regular expressions
JS Code

// Inserting
db.students.insertOne({name: "Jack", major: "Biology", gpa: 3.5})
db.students.insertOne({name: "Claire", major: "Marketing", gpa: 3.7, awards: ["Valedictorian", "Summa Cum Laude"]} )
db.students.insertOne({name: "Evan", major: "Astronomy", gpa: 3.7, grades: [90, 88, 95, 78] } )
db.students.insertOne({name: "Kate", major: "Sociology", gpa: 3.2, contact: {phone: "333-3333", email: ""}})
db.students.insertOne({name: "Phil", major: "Chemistry", gpa: 2.5, startdate: new Date("2012-08-23")})
db.students.insertOne({_id: 4, name: "John", major: "Biology", gpa: 3.2})
     {name: "Mike", major: "Computer Science", gpa: 2.7},
     {name: "Andrea", major: "Math", gpa: 4.0, awards: ["Summa Cum Laude"]}