MongoDB - noSQL Database
This course covers the basics of working with MongoDB. Work your way through the videos/articles and I'll teach you everything you need to know to interact with Mongo's flexible document database management system and create powerful document databases!

Windows Installation

Lesson 3
Author : 🦒
Last Updated : December, 2017


  1. Download the Windows installer
  2. Step through installer (be sure to download compass)
  3. Add mongod.exe to path
  4. Create ‘/data/db’ directory
    • Create this at root directory of hard-drive
      • Ensure that current user has read/write permissions
    • Or customize location using:
      • mongod –dbpath
      • I put this at the root directory of my home folder
  5. Start MongoDB server
    • mongod
  6. Connect to MongoDB server from client – (in new terminal window) mongo –host localhost:27017 – (in compass) use the default settings