Ruby - Programming Language
This course covers the basics of programming in Ruby. Work your way through the videos/articles and I'll teach you everything you need to know to start your programming journey!


Lesson 9
Author : 🦒
Last Updated : November, 2017

Video Code

Copyputs  2 * 3         # Basic Arithmetic: +, -, /, *
puts  2**3          # Exponent
puts  10 % 3        # Modulus Op. : returns remainder of 10/3
puts  1 + 2 * 3     # order of operations
puts 10 / 3.0       # int's and doubles

num = 10
num += 100          # +=, -=, /=, *=
puts num

num = -36.8
puts  num.abs()
puts  num.round()

# Math class has useful math methods
puts Math.sqrt(144)
puts Math.log(0)